SOS - traducción al Inglés
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SOS - traducción al Inglés

Sodersjukhuset; Soedersjukhuset; Sös

S.O.S.; S.O.S; S. O. S.; S O S; S O.S; S O.S.; S O S.; S O. S.; SOS (señal)
S.O.S., letters which represent the radiotelegraphic signal (... --- ...), used by ships in distress; any cry for help
S.O.S.; S.O.S; SOS (single); ...---... (S.O.S); SOS (song); SO S (album); S.O.S. (song); Sos; S.O.S (album); SOs; S.O.S. (film); SOS (album); S.O.S. (album)
= S.O.S.

Def: Señal de socorro usada primeramente en morse.
Ex: He prayed that passing ships had heard their S.O.S. and could find them in the fog.
S.O.S.; S.O.S; S. O. S.; S O S; S O.S; S O.S.; S O S.; S O. S.; SOS (señal)
= S.O.S..
Nota: Señal de socorro usada primeramente en morse.
Ex: He prayed that passing ships had heard their S.O.S. and could find them in the fog.


SOS (pronunc. [ése ó ése]) m. Señal de petición de auxilio consistente en radiar esas tres letras, adoptada por la claridad con que son percibidas aun en circunstancias difíciles, empleada por los barcos o aviones en *peligro: "Lanzar un SOS". En lenguaje informal se emplea también en sentido figurado.



Södersjukhuset (Sös) is one of the largest hospitals in Stockholm, Sweden. Constructed between 1937 and 1944, it was designed by architects Hjalmar Cederström and Hermann Imhäuser, and the construction was contracted to Toll Byggnads AB. Södersjukhuset has the largest emergency department in Scandinavia.

King Gustaf V inaugurated Södersjukhuset on 3 April 1944. At the time, the building was the largest in Scandinavia. New buildings were added to Södersjukhuset in the 1950s, and Södersjukhuset underwent major refurbishment between 2000 and 2003.

With more than 4,000 employees, Södersjukhuset is the third largest employer in Stockholm.

The hospital has an underground complex measuring 4,500 square meters (48,500 square feet) called DEMC (Disaster Emergency Center), which was completed and inaugurated on 25 November 1994. In peacetime the complex is used for training and scientific research. In case of disaster or war the complex is fully operational as a normal hospital, with backup electricity, water, radio and telecommunication supplies available in such cases. The DEMC is situated close to the Årstaviken river (sv). Plans for an underground hospital (originally intended to be solely for military use) were however already present in the initial plans for Södersjukhuset in the 1930s, and a 550 metre long tunnel branching off from the Södra station–Hammarbyhamnen–Stadsgården freight branch line (sv:Industrispåret Södra station–Hammarbyhamnen–Stadsgården), as well as a massive cavern linking to said tunnel, were built along with the hospital itself. However with the end of World War II just over a year later in 1945, the underground military hospital was subsequently deemed unnecessary and the cavern was later used as a storage area for many years before being rebuilt as the DEMC in the early-1990s.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para SOS
1. an email in reference to SOS.
Sea of Shadows _ Richard Ladkani, Andrea Crosta & Jack Hutton _ Talks at Google
2. So in Sweden they talk about SOS.
Fire & Ice - Classic Nordic Cooking _ Darra Goldstein _ Talks at Google
3. And your mother took an SOS pad--
Southern Discomfort - A Memoir _ Tena Clark _ Talks at Google
4. I think, like, Alaska, there's like an SOS show
Cradle of Storms Surf Photography _ Chris Burhard & Ben Weiland _ Talks at Google
5. For COVID, Google has rolled out SOS alerts
Ken Kimmell _ Lessons from the COVID Crisis for the Climate Crisis _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de SOS
1. Estamos hablando de la Selección y de Boca. żY vos Lionel, sos delantero, sos media punta o podés ser enganche?
2. Nunca dijo no te preocupes porque sos el hijo de Tato Bores, sino no te preocupes porque sos un tipo valioso.
3. Sobre las seis de la tarde se dio aviso a la Guardia Civil a través de SOS Navarra y SOS Rioja.
4. Regalo simbólico si los hay para el músico que hace poco cantaba "Vos sos Dios, vos sos Gardel". » Buscador de Cine » Buscador de Teatro » Buscador de Televisión
5. La inseguridad llega a "Sos mi vida"Sos mi vida (Canal 13) ofrecerá hoy (al término de Telenoche) un capítulo inusual.